Counseling Services

People come to counseling because they want to effect some change in their life, whether that be to get a different perspective on a situation or to heal from a past hurt. 

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed and trapped?

  • Do you fear that you will be alone forever?

  • Does being around other people trigger your anxiety?

  • Are you overwhelmed by work, school or relationship issues?

Why continue letting your past shape your present and dictate your future? Healing is available. You can overcome your past and move beyond the hurt, but it does require a significant commitment level on your part. There is hard work to be done. You must go through the pain – you can’t go around it, under it or over it. You must go through in order to truly find healing.

Thankfully, there is no need for going it alone. Psychotherapy can be the right choice for anyone desiring to get the most out of their life by taking responsibility, creating greater self-awareness, discovering new strategies for effective coping and working towards change in their life. Take the first step in the journey; schedule an appointment today.

"Confronting resistances, fears and roadblocks to moving you forward is important. It helps to give your fear a name. One cannot slay dragons that one cannot see or name."

Ev Worthington Couples Therapy, p 331

I offer a full suite of comprehensive counseling services for adult men and women, couples and adolescents/teenagers. Group therapy sessions, geared to specific topical areas, are offered periodically, as well. You can find information about session fees here.

With all clients, I work to assess your needs, define your specific goals for counseling and design the practical steps we can take to pursue your goals. Every session is focused on you – what you want to work on at a pace that is most comfortable to you. Check out this page for more information about what to expect in the counseling process.

Please click one of the specialty areas below to learn more.