Growing together in a committed relationship is hard work. It requires patience, grace, understanding, forgiveness and love. As challenges pop up, breaking up or legally terminating the relationship is not the only way. In addition to being a trained Prepare/Enrich facilitator, I have worked with couples across the life span facing a number of different issues, including:
- becoming empty-nesters;
- seeking resolution to years of conflict;
- blended marriages;
- dealing with betrayal of infidelity;
- spousal pornography use;
- alcohol and substance abuse;
- parenting issues;
- boundaries;
- raising children with ADHD;
- communication skills;
- lack of relational intimacy; and
- marriage preparation.
Some of the issues that you and your partner may be struggling with where I may be able to help, include:

- Premarital counseling
- Marriage counseling
- Parenting children with ADHD
- Parenting teens
- Relationship issues
- Identity as a couple
- Adultery and betrayal
- Unplanned pregnancy
- Grief and loss
- Partner substance/alcohol abuse
- Co-dependency
- Family counseling
- Step-families and step-parenting